Anne’s Tuna

On 2nd December the weather forecast looked awesome for our 1st game fishing of the season. We motored out from Whitianga to Great Mercury Island on our 37 Riviera, anchored overnight, not a ripple all night. Then an early start on the 3rd, we motored beyond Cuvier Island to the 150-metre mark where we had heard there was yellow fin tuna a few days earlier. With 18.6-degree water a spectacular sight greeted us with dolphins, gannets, big work ups all around us. We worked that area for a while then went deeper. Just as we were relaxing thinking coffee time, BANG!

With the short rigger screaming we jumped into action Gordon wound in the other reels and eased back the throttles, as I got my 2 belts on, picked up the reel and began the fight. 35 minutes later we could see it circling near our boat. Just 2 of us on the boat, Gordon got 1 gaff in. I grabbed the bigger gaff and just got that in then the hook fell out!!  We hauled it on board, high 5’s all round.

Back at Whitianga wharf weigh station, the YF weight was 52.42kg, on a bonze weapon lure, in Boss colours .   Next day we went to the same spot and Gordon caught a 29kg YF.   We are in 2 tournaments, I’m in the MBGFC Ladies Blue and the boat is in the MBGFC Suzuki Top Ten Tuna comp which end late January.

Both YF smoked and many enjoying the fruits of our adventure.

Can’t wait for the next game fishing days ahead!

Tight lines Anne McIvor