Thai fish cakes

Rob is back again with another epic recipe! These Thai fish cakes are an epic staple, you can have these as they are as entrees, add them to wraps, burgers, or lettuce boats as we did.


  • 1kg fish fillets diced or trim boneless skinless
  • 3 eggs
  • Zest and juice of three limes/lemons
  • Half a cup rough chopped coriander
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 3 tbsp good red curry paste*
  • Half cup of spring onion diced


  1. Put all of the above into food processor at low speed for a good three minutes. Low speed so as to keep friction and heat caused by the blades to a minimum. You may need to dribble in water and or oil should the mix need loosening from the sides of the processor. Some people like to do the minimum so as to keep the cakes chunky and textural, I prefer to mix thoroughly allowing the food processor to break down and condense fibres allowing the flesh to become delicate and ‘springy’.
  2. Once complete the mix should light n tight and not sticky, now shape into balls or cakes and can be either shallow fried or slapped onto BBQ plate on a medium heat for perhaps 2 minutes per side or until golden.

Robs Notes;

Normally I would make my curry paste from scratch (use the recipe from last week’s Thai curry) so I can balance out the heat and flavour to suit but given it can be easier to have jar paste on a boat rather than fresh spices we gave it a whirl. The finished product was good but a little generic. If you like a bit of heat then I definitely recommend adding one or two fresh chillies or a teaspoon of chilli flakes to food processor.


Mix together all of below items;
Remember you can adjust quantities to suit your taste

  • Quarter cup sweet chilli sauce
  • Quarter cup Sirracha chilli sauce or similar
  • Juice and zest of one lime/lemon
  • Eighth of a cup of good fish sauce
  • Quarter cup of a good vinegar (red wine, cider, rice)

We turned our fish cakes into lettuce cups by adding them to a bed of some fresh vegies and the above dressing in a lettuce cup.